
“Love is a gift, not an obligation.”

The peace I’m feeling today is such a overwhelming feeling, yet in a gentle way. Last night was the first night of Great Expectations: A Night Of Worship at Calvary, and it was exactly what my heart and soul needed. I’m experiencing Him like never before. I feel such a call to quiet myself and really listen. That can sometimes be a stretch for me, because I'm a talker. I communicate, I'm expressive, it's what I do and who I am. But He's telling me to listen. Listen to what He has to say — about me, about Himself and His love for me, about His plans for my life — read His Word and not because it’s what I’m “supposed to do” but because I actually want to. And really, isn’t that how He wants us to live?

I know there will be days I don’t feel this way, and I’ll be lazy and not want to read or journal or talk to Him. Lord knows I’ve had many of those days. But I know that He understands. And I know He’s drawing me into a deeper relationship, where it’s not all lip-service and pretty words, but actions and what drives me.

It's a long journey, from who I've been -- what I've been labeled as and in turn what I've believed about myself -- to who He's always seen me as. But no matter how long the journey, they always start with a single step. And another. And then another. And I'm walking, slowly but surely.

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