Ah, it's that time of year again. Candy hearts, chocolates and red roses, dinner reservations and angry/sad/lonely singles.
I've honestly never been one of those girls. The "poor me, I'm all alone with no Valentine". And I've never been one to hate the holiday. Mainly because I'm blessed enough to have an amazing dad that has gotten cards and candy for my siblings, mom and I every year and I look forward to the tradition.
But, I've gotta admit. This year, the "poor me" thoughts have tried to creep their way in. Not in a huge way, just little by little, but that's how it all starts. "Man, I wish I could get some roses or go on a date, or even just have someone to talk to." But today helped remind me how truly blessed I am. No, there's no "Mr. Right" on the horizon at the moment, but you know what? That's perfectly okay. Honestly, if he came along right now? I wouldn't be ready for him. At all. Right now I've gotta "do me". And allow God to mold me and help me figure out who that is! Become "Miss Right", for whoever that man may be someday.
And while I might not have a significant other, I'm incredibly blessed with other forms of love. I have an amazing family, and a circle of friends that keeps growing and deepening every day and week. And of course, a Savior who loved me enough to die for my sins and to redeem me.
In a way, I wish we treated every day like Valentine's Day. Minus the commercialism and all the candy, cause that might get dangerous. No, not all that, but the essence of it. Being open and affection with one another, loving each other. God's been convicting me and dealing with me on my being hesitant to allow myself to be open and vulnerable with people. I can't hide myself or my heart away, locking it up so that no one touches me, I touch no one and therefore, "I'm safe." It's no way to live! It's not living at all. I've gotta learn to trust Him, to trust people and to know that it's okay. To be open, to love, to be loved. So that's my mission from here on out -- treat every day like Valentine's. Love like He's loved me. Give more hugs. Use kinder words. Love.
Orange is young, full of daring
But very unsteady for the first go around
My yellow in this case is not so mellow
In fact I'm trying to say it's frightened like me
And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from
Giving my life to a rainbow like you
I'm bold, bold as love
Yeah I'm bold, bold as love
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